Dragons love to draw

Ok I have a question

So I need an answer for an animation thing I wanna make but which one should I make? A scarlet animation of glory shooting venom at her face or a peril animation of her fighting horizon and winning. And the final one, should I make an animation of tsunami fighting the magic statue or orca and last but not least a darkstalker animation plz comment which one I should do and have a great day!


2 years ago   27 回視聴   1 コマ




I would like to see a darkstalker animation tho

2 years ago   返信

It depends on your skill level, for example the Glory spitting venom you would have to be good with animation. Both Perils and Tsunami's fight you would have to be good at anatomy and movement animation. And finally if your good with lipsinking or head movement/walking animation you should probably animate darkstalker.
And ofcourse this is your choise :D

2 years ago   返信 (1)


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