
Thank you for 55 Followers!!, I tell you story now 😛😝😋

I think about 10 years ago when I was four, I had a really bad accident...

Ya I think I was four...

I was riding a bike.. of course i was using training wheels, and there was a hole in the road. I (being the stupid kid I was) didn’t turn to avoid it. My front wheel bumps and flips me and I black out. I wake up and see my sister crying and freaking out. She runs into the house while I get up. I feel my mouth dripping as if I was slobbering. It wasn’t slobber, it was blood. When I went flying the bike handle slipped somehow and ended up scraping the top of my mouth. It felt like the inside of a pumpkin, my mouth. I had to drink soup until it healed.

There’s a random yet terrible memory to share..... yay 😀

Btw I’m 14———————- don’t know why but I needed to tell so I could remember what age I was when I got hurt. :/

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