kids are so jacked up dear god. kos
i personally would argue that murder is worse than rape but abortion isn’t murder
a life considered to me is if it has brain activity it has a valuable life. if it can comprehend literally any concept. it has a valuable life
i think a persons life is valuable and fetuses are not what i would describe as a person
a fetus is not sentient. a fetus is not a person
all people are humans but not all humans are people
it’s a human but that doesn’t make it more valuable than like a dog
and dogs are sentient
fetuses aren’t
peoples lives are valuable
not all human lives are valuable
basically. all surgeons are doctors but not all doctors are surgeons
if it can perceive literally anything
it has a valuable life
fetuses have no brain activity
not a valuable life
it’s technically a human but it’s not a person lmao
its as sentient as a tree
it’s not like fucking full grown bill gates is just sitting in the womb
its literally a blob