
I'm Free From My Hell

So I have kidney failure and I had to have surgery then 2 week later my mom gets a call from Driscoll my doctor's who helped me on the way to my freedom they say I have to do an ultrasound an ultrasound is when the put some type of jelly on your stomach the they check your organ to make sure there ok so I get the ultrasound and I'm done but then they give me a light blue gown so I start crying because I don't know if you know this but I have have for my 11years of life had to do a catheter (don't serch it up it's quite gross) it's where they put a small tube in the my frontal rat poison so the catheter goes in and I have to hold and much ✨ Magic Water✨ so I have to hold the ✨Magic Water✨ in my blatter as much ✨ Magic Water ✨ I hold the better so 15 minutes go by and now I have to pee it out so they tell me to pee it out and I'm done. The Doctor said that...I'm 95% better and I get fetti gun and they all shoot confetti 🎊🎊🎊 and now I'm free from my hell. That Proves to me that no matter what even if it hurts it is still curing you

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