Part 2 of the story
While sleeping, i had a nightmare that i was one of the objects getting attacked by that demon Four. But luckily i didn't die. As i woke up, my room was a mess! the last time i saw my room, it was completely clean! I was thinking Fanny was right because, since my family members were going on vacation, i was alone so it would probably be Four.. I was getting ready to go to work. When i arrived at the workplace (which is the construction site) i was talking to my friends until i saw a shadow appeared and just disappeared out of nowhere. I was thinking that it was some sort of squirrel. But i brushed it off and continued working. While working, the same thing happened again. The shadow appeared. I was pretty scared, so i decided to brush it off once again. But the same problem happened, while digging the dirt someone was screaming during break time. The girl was named Catherine, which i already know her. She screamed and ran out of the cabin. I ran up to her and told her what's the matter. She responded with this: she said that she saw a random number demon eating her lunch after she came back from the bathroom. I stood there in shock! That was Four! The genderless number that turned into a demon! I told her what had happened, and she was confused and didn't do anything but believe me.
When i came back home from work, you WON'T believe what i saw! I saw Fanny watching TV. I'm pretty sure she was watching the exact same episode i was watching yesterday morning! The only thing i did is just walk towards Fanny and IT WAS A BAD IDEA! As i tapped her for a question, she started to go berserk! She said "I'LL RIP OFF YOUR HEAD IF YOU INTERRUPT ME!!" and then she started to chase me all around the house. I kept hiding in some places but she somehow keeps finding me. Until i ran outside, got in the car, and drove away. Fanny then entered my house and continued watching that lost episode. I decided to stay in my friends house. Since it's 9:AM we got to go to bed. The next morning i got out of bed and went home. I was scared Fanny was still here. And she wasn't, i was relieved that she wasn't here. So i got up and destroyed the VHS Tape. Seriously, Fanny made the episode on VHS.. When i destroyed it, Four came.. Oh No! Four is going to kill me... But then i got teleported to a random arena. Four gave me a sword and then i said: I'm not afraid of you! We started battling. Four nearly killed me but i jumped into the air landed on him and then stabbed him! Four screamed and released the objects that died. including X but it stayed with Four instead. Four was still alive and released the contestants. (and Fanny) Pretty much now all the contestants are my family members due to goiky being completely destroyed. He spit out a recovery centre. I was pretty happy. I decided to keep them all in my home. (And the recovery centre) Im not sure if my family will like it but in a surprise they do. Sometimes this, if the objects saw a real human, they would be unfazed by it. So as my family. But since my brother and sister loved Battle for Dream Island. But sometimes, the objects can get pretty violent like Snowball throwing Woody downstairs. But i don't mind. I lived a happy life with them.
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