
The seven gems of healing - episode 6: The malachite journey

On the next day...

Flary - Ok guys, what have you brought in your backpacks?
Leafy - Flashlight, shovel, and this rusty head pickaxe
Flary - Oh hey! That pickaxe need a restoration! Imagine if you hurt yourself with this?
Leafy - Oh i dont know any restoration point on the city, i guess this pickaxe is useless
Flary - Did you brought anything else?
Leafy - Yeah! Some home made sandwiches.
Flary - Great, and you, Spesia?
Spesia - A flashlight, a steel pickaxe and some food too. Look, its some limes, we can make a juice. And those camping equipment, but i guess we will not need it...
Flary - Great. I brought a Silver pickaxe, flashlight, some batteries for flashlights and some pizza.
Spesia and Leafy - Wow!
Flary - Ok lets look in my cellphone where is the nearest medium mountain... Found it!
Spesia - How far are we
Flary - Uhhh... we are 45 kilometers of the nearest medium mountain...
Leafy - Oh WHAT?? THAT FAR??
Flary - Unfortunately, yeah...

Spesia enter on Aly's house

Spesia - Im sorry Aly...
Flary - Ok, lets get moving or we will have to wait till next day.
Leafy - Everything to heal Aly!
Spesia - Wait how will we see Aly? You said that times in times we will return to see her!
Flary - Uhh, so anyone will need to stay here...
Spesia - Rock, paper, scissors!
Flary - ok!

Everyone did rock paper scissors, and who loose needed to stay with Aly. And who needed to stay was Flary.

Flary - hmm ok, Leafy take my pickaxe, and you two, bring these batteries with you, it may be useful!
Spesia and Leafy - Right!
Flary - Take care you two!

Spesia and Leafy go to the journey to find the mountain. Bringing a good amount of food, batteries for flashlights, flashlights, a pickaxe and a shovel.

1 years ago   46 views   1 frames



Cool.. Idk why but this look like Alan Backer..

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