(read rentry)

leaving (updated; please read desc)

im so sorry everyone but i think it's time for me to call it quits again. i just. really can't handle this app anymore. i don't want to elaborate or anything ive just been feeling so.. uncomfy. being here. especially with some of the recent comments on here that ive been getting. i don't know when i will be coming or if ill ever be coming back anymore because i am just genuinely scared now about posting art on here without receiving backlash or comments that make me feel horrible about myself. im sorry
life update section (10/23/22):
hiya guys!!!! coco here! sincerely hope that you guys have been doing good as always ☺️❤️ i am doing very well myself at the time of writing. ^^ just wanted to do a little check in of the sorts and let u guys on AM know how im doing :)

i still draw and post a ton on insta!! hehe^^ i was even able to reach 1k+ during the past few months and i get a pretty good amount of likes on each of my posts! ive even been getting followed back occasionally by some popular artists that i look up to❤️ it feels superrrr nice... ooh and asides from that my social life is rlly good too! my relationship with my family is very good and healthy, and school is really fun!! i get to play and talk to my friends a lot during free time ☺️ our teachers are really nice and my classmates like my art a lot! sometimes i even get to chat with them about my interests like genshin (though i dont really play the game anymore lol) and enstars. ive been continously striving to better myself everyday and enjoy life to the fullest :>>

ALSO ALSO additional thingy; before you guys start asking me about this i'll just go and answer your questions now:
"will you ever come back and post here?"
well!!!!! eh. most probably not.
sorryy 😣😣 asides from my reason being that in general any other platforms are better for posting art and getting attention- i just think that this app really messed up my life a bunch when i was 11... like yeah i made a bunch of online friends here and i am super grateful for it but!!!! mfhgvh i also hurt a lot of people because i was insensitive and little brat ☹️ like tbh i wish everything that happened on here during 2020 never happened sometimes... if i wasnt here during that school year i would have been a good student, attending my classes and doing my schoolwork and all the other stuff that i really SHOULD have done. i'd probably like still have friends from that class i could have made new friends and meet new people. i was always trying to act more cool and mature but that really just ended up in me coming off as an overly aggressive, selfish and edgy kid who just swore a lot...... gross
so yeah! sorry 😭 definitely not coming back ever again. haven't even been TRYING making a comeback atp....

but YES thats all 👍👍 thank you again for all the memories- even if they weren't exactly perfect. you can always keep up with me on my instagram for more art :> just remember to respect my boundaries i listed down in my bio if you ever decide to comment/interact with my stuff for..... reasons.


alrighty- i think that's all i have to say for now. love you guys! bye bye!!! take care and may we meet again someday... <3


2 years ago   542 views   1 frames   8 Like


  Just Seed24drawing

I'm happy to hear that your havinh a good life :)

2 years ago   Reply
  George V.

Same, this app gives me a weird feeling, kinda uncomfortable.. I was searching for ppl from here I remebered to ask them if they remember me too. I wanted to ask you too but this happened :(
If you see this though plez reply Im curious to know if you remember me

2 years ago   Reply


sex ur own ass instead

2 years ago   Reply

Sex pls

2 years ago   Reply (2)

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