Maybe I'm ignorant.....but I'm not stupid enough |=[
READ IT!!!!!
There are times when I think ...... at least they read the description of some posts??!!! It's not to offend you or anything but so you can see ... I don't like to comment on a post without first reading its description (which have a long text, or also a small notice) and I do it in all the posts since with that I get .......... context? Since for me it is disrespectful, comment something random without knowing what is really happening. (In fact, if I don't comment and like your posts it's because I liked the drawing but sometimes I don't comment on those same posts that I liked.... because I don't I knew what to comment because it could be because: 1. I did not understand the description very well or 2. I would not know how to give you an expressive comment or also that I cannot explain well)
Hay veces que pienso......almenos leen la descripcion de algunos posts??!!!no es para ofenderte o algo pero para que vean.....a mi no me gusta comentar en un post sin antes leer su descripcion (que tienen un texto largo,o tambien un pequeño aviso)y lo hago en todos los post ya que con eso obtengo.........contexto?Ya que para mi se me hace una falta de respeto,comentar algo random sin saber lo que verdaderamente esta pasando.(De echo, si no comento y doy like a tus posts es por que me gusto el dibujo pero no comento aveces en esos mismos post que le di like.... debido a que no supe que comentar por que puede ser por:1.No etendi muy bien la descripcion o 2.No sabria darte un comentario expresivo o tambien que no me pueda explicar bien)
Espero que me pude explicar bien si no te lo resumire
Draw your original anime with iOS/Android App!