Luna The Stupid Norwegian A...

Dark: This is how the corruption works, kinda

Dark: if she has red eyes she normal, purple eyes, corrupted by shadow Luna. Basically she a shadow on the ground, she lifts up and becomes a shadow person, then goes into Luna's body and takes control, don't ask how I know this


8 years ago   107 浏览量   4 框架


  Luna The Stupid Norwegian A...

Aw my gawd, I remember when I was a drama queen, I was kinda stupid... I WAS NINE OK

7 years ago   回复

Haha!I guess luna doesnt agree with it

8 years ago   回复
  Luna The Stupid Norwegian A...

*gets out of corruption for a minute* Awww. Shadow Luna: NOPE

8 years ago   回复
  Jacob -//W//-

She is adorable

8 years ago   回复

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