Another story the internet has given birth to
"Fortunate Ben" is the fifth episode of Battle for BFDI. It was released on January 12, 2018. The episode was going to be released on January 5, 2018, but since the script took two weeks to write, Thomas Chick announced on HTwins Central that he had just gotten the script on its original release date.
Well, i have discovered a darker and much more sick alternate ending of the episode i will be talking about.
One day, i was watching some BFB fans animations (like Wolf ~ Tendo's werewolf transformations, AhmaDarwiz019 Studio Animation's Object Vines, etc.) when i found a video called "BFB 5: Fortunate Ben (Alternate Cut)". Without thinking twice i decided to click on it.
It started off with Match and Ruby playing Spongy-Cake as usual, with Flower grabbing Ruby and telling her that she needs to convince her "ignorant" friends that she's pretty. Ruby says something is a bit off even though she recognized her beauty two months ago. And blah blah blah, the episode was just usual...
..until Cake at Stake.
Death PACT was at Cake at Stake that episode. And Pen, Pillow, Remote, Tree, Black Hole, Bottle and Pie were safe, they got their fortune cookies, and Liy was eliminated. But before she was eliminated, she gave her speech:
"When I joined this team, I thought I could put my traumatic killing past behind me. So many of my hours and so much of my willpower was spent on saving instead of murdering! I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WOULD SUPPORT ME!! But I guess you won't! And if you won't, then what's the point in restraining myself?!"
Tree then tells her not to, but Liy just flips her switch. Pen tells Tree that Liy has done that before. But then, Liy pushes on her switch, changing it to a brown, wooden square with a small, baige switch. Pen exclaims "WHAT THE FLIP?!" Tree then tells Four that he doesn't like what Liy has done.
Now you would expect Tree to ask Four to suck Liy up, right? Well... Actually... No. Tree didn't ask Four to suck Liy up. The camera just cut back to Liy and the camera froze on her, accompanied by a heartbeat, for 10 seconds. Until Liy took out a knife and bellowed "PREPARE TO DIE, DEATH PACT!" Liy's scream made me jump because it was so loud and unexpected. To make matters worse, i was wearing headphones. But anyway, after Liy screamed, Death PACT screamed and ran away from Liy and started chasing her team.
This is were the episode took a dark turn.
Liy kept chasing Death PACT with the knife until Pen tripped over a rock. Liy caught up to Pen, grabbed him by the back and started stabbing Pen with the knife. Blue ink splattered everywhere and Pen screamed a blood-curdling scream that sounded nothing like Michael Huang.
After Liy killed Pen, she started chasing Pillow. Pillow also tripped over a rock. Liy caught up to her and slashed the knife in Pillow's face "Sweeny Todd" style. Pillow then screamed at the top of her lungs as Liy started to rip her innards (which were feathers, don't worry) out. Once Pillow was dead, Liy turned to Remote. She started chasing Remote till she tripped. Liy took Remote's batteries out of her, but Remote actually felt pain, almost like the batteries were her bones. Remote started incinerating in her batteries' own acid as she screamed to death.
After that, Liy turned to Tree. "NO LIY! DON'T KILL ME!" Tree screamed. Liy just ran up to Tree and started skinning his bark off with her knife. Tree screamed at the top of his lungs as though if he was being skinned alive. After Tree's trunk was reduced to wood shavings, Liy set him on fire, along with his leaves.
"You can't kill me, Liy! I'm a black hole! I'm invincible!" Black Hole mocked at Liy. Liy just stared at him, and took out a gun labelled "Star Destroyer" and used it on Black Hole. He ended up being obliterated and he screamed painfully. After Black Hole was killed, Liy turned to Bottle. She chased Bottle until Bottle tripped and fell. "Please don't hurt me!" Bottle whimpered. Liy just growled, whipped out a sledgehammer, and started smashing Bottle to bits. Poor Bottle was screaming at the top of her lungs as she was smashed to bits.
After that, Liy ran up to Pie. Liy had no problem killing Pie since she just stabbed her and Pie exploded, and her blueberry filling went everywhere. "Ha! Did you really think you could try and murder your own teammates? Think again! I can just recover them!" Four said to Liy. Liy then turned her head 180 degrees directly at Four, ran up to him, took out her knife and slit his wrist. "OW! OW! MY ARM! HELP ME X!" Four screamed after getting his hand cut off.
"FOOUUR!! DON'T WORRY! I WILL SAVE YOU!" X cried. Liy just turned to X and ran up to him. She then took out her knife and stabbed X in the eye. "OW!!! MY EYE!!!" X cried. Four and X then died immediately.
Liy then turned to me and said "Welp, they're all gone. But there's one more person i need to kill. You are next, user." Liy then began to walk closer to the screen every second for 1 minute. After 1 minute of her walking closer to the screen, she began to slowly stab the screen with the knife, and the crack appears on the screen, with blood on it because Liy's knife had blood on it. Every time Liy stabbed the screen, the crack rose. Liy kept stabbing the screen until the screen splits apart, leaving only a black screen. Then a gunshot was heard. I think Liy killed herself. After that, the video ended.
I mean, what?!
After that, i deleted the video from my watch history because i didn't ever want to watch it again. Thankfully, the video has been taken down. I was relived. However, the next day, i received a package in the mail. It was a beaten up, blood drenched voodoo doll shaped like Liy with a big grin on her face with razor-sharp teeth. Now are you guys ready for this? You'd better brace yourselves for this crazy thing that actually happened.
The doll talked to me. Yeah. It actually did. What did the doll say? It said:
"Wanna watch the video again?"
I was so terrified, i threw the doll into the wall, got some matches and set it on fire. But the doll wasn't screaming and crying. The smile on it just grew. it got bigger and bigger, when it was burning. After the doll was reduced to ashes, i dumped them outside. I then decided to take a bath to try and calm myself down.
Well to wrap this up, if you ever find this episode, stay away from it. Just stay away from it.
I hope that's the end of Liy forever.
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