

I played stray a few weeks ago
An I loved it the game was hard an my
Heart was broken at the end b12 died I was noooo
10 hours I've known him an he's gone rip b12 he sacrificed his life for stray

But I'm proud of this art I got all the frames mixed up but it all worked out
You should play the game because
Itsfunneh will never make a part 2

Small story I was watching YouTube an I saw itsfunneh play it I was crying is was so sad
I didn't want to wach something else so I drew I'm my note book oh an it was 4:20 AM
So at 8:00 got the game an it took 10 hours to play
I didn't get to play it till 12:00 am
because it was downloading then I played


2 years ago   15 浏览量   12 框架


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