I can't take this anymore.

Im sorry if I come across as pissy or rude, but this has taken a toll on me personally as well as mentally. I have serious trust issues now and I doubt it'll even come back. So me and bloodygirl we're in a relationship with each other for about 3 and a half weeks before today and we got to know each other more, we had fun (when she wasn't on vacation.) And we both liked the same type of stuff. Even though she was still gone from my server, it was smooth sailing. ALOT of others told me it was a bad decision and I should've listened to them. I gave her way too many chances and I was way too nice to her. But I should've known that all killers only have 1 life. When I invited her to a server which I'll call the Blue Server, she almost immediately started shit with somebody else who I will not name because I'd rather keep their information with them. He was understandbly pissed off and then responded and then a fight broke out. Me and the server owner kept trying to tell them to stop but Bloodygirl was being a dismissive asshole and pretty much saying that she doesn't give a shit. And mind you, I just joined to talk about animation and shit 19 minutes before I decided to invite bloodygirl bc she wanted to talk to me on VC. Oh how I wish I didn't. Now you could make the argument that I knew what I was doing and that I brought this on myself, and I can agree with you. However, I thought it would be nice to invite my gf at the time into a call so we could chat. But based on the current situation as of now, I see she just wanted new people to annoy. She was eventually timed out and then came back saying pretty lewd and disgusting shit and sending feet pics. Sending any type of pornographic content in the Blue Server will result in timeout but Bloodygirl didn't care and sent so many sonic feet pictures I almost gagged. And then she was trying to start with the owner, too. The owner was my friend so even tho I was her bf, I couldn't let her say the shit she said to my friend so I called her out and she got mad. The arguments cooled down but fast forward to 5:00 AM and she was already trying to start with another person. I said that it was too early for that type of shit, she turned into a dismissive asshole again and started shit with the owner and another one of my friends (smollethan). At this point I was getting tired of it and questioned why I was even her boyfriend from the start. She said she never really liked me and I figuritively and logically couldn't believe it. If she didn't like me from the start, why in dms did she randomly just "admit" she liked me? Why do that when there's inevitably no point? I should've known that the war didn't change anything or me being nice to her didn't do shit. Why do I always stick my head out for people? Who can I actually trust? Are all my friends and followers and subscribers just following bc they know my content is crap but they feel bad for me? What's the point of all of this?! I'm done with being nice. I went through an adaptive change in persona and attitude for nothing. I'm done with trust.


2 years ago   76 views   1 frames




2 years ago   Reply
  Jorden does stuff

U can trust me

2 years ago   Reply

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