Miracle trio first book chapter 1 "They don't know." Part 1 (I drop small parts of chapters, this is only the boring beggining, I just can't wait for some chapters)
It was a random day outside, a tuesday if you want to know, after a long day working, three people are hanging out together, their names ? Fuyu, the idiotic, Saï, the calm and Nio, the smart
"Nothing as good as a day with you both" Nio says, smiling.
-So, you wanted to show us something ? Say Saï, being a little curious
-Hihihi yes ! Are you guys ready ? She asked, while her excitement is just blowing up. she takes something out of her pocket slowly, and shows it to Saï and Fuyu. They were kinda surprise that it was a nice cute fox picture
-This is soooooo cute ! Fuyu wanted to adopt a fox.
-I want to pet him so much ! Saï was just filled with cuteness because of that fox, we just couldn't hear it as much as Fuyu.
-It's getting late ! Told Saï to the other two.
-That...was fast.
Nio tried tried to talk but couldn't find her words
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