Spooky A11XXX πŸŽƒ

AIN'T NO WAY πŸ˜­πŸ«ΆπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

You guys make my heart melt like ice cream ;.(

I appreciate the support, followers, likes, and most of all love β™₯️. I've been on this app for years and I've never ever got this much followers in my life πŸ₯Ή, I always got ignored and got hate and then quit then come back with a new account and then the cycle just repeats, I see lots of people leave because of getting hate from others mostly, guys..this world can be filled with bad people sometimes and to beat them you got to just ignore them and keep going. When I had my first account I had alot of hate and guess what? I quitted then weeks later I come back with an another account then more hate and then I quitted on that account then the cycle just repeats over and over.


2 years ago   74 views   10 frames   1 Like



Don't leave!! (Or the blue milk from star wars will haunt you) If they hate on you just say "IMA BLOCK YOUR FACE 😈🀠" then block them!! (It would be weird to say that but it works)

2 years ago   Reply
  Skid ._.

You no leave :D
*hugs and cry so much with you*

2 years ago   Reply

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