
Romancian ( asian countries name )

Afghanistan - Amnastan
Armenia - mentia
Azerbaijan - arezca
Bahrain - barani
Bangladesh - banglaro
Bhutan - bhumita
British Indian ocean territory - bimora Indi cean territory
Brunei - bruma
Cambodia - cambod
China - chin
Christmas island - crimas meland
Cocos - coco
Cyprus - cyproo
Georgia - geogi
Hong Kong - mong kong
India - Indi
Indonesia - indo
Iran - irin
Iraq - imar
Israel - isal
Japan - japo
Jordan - Jordi
Kazakhstan - kazastan
North Korea - nor Korec
South Korea - sou Korec
Kuwait - kuait
Kyrgyzstan - kyrgstan
Laos - lao
Lebanon - lebanom
Macau - macu
Malaysia - Malay
Maldives - Maldives
Mongolia - Mongoliã
Burma - buma
Nepal - nepel
Oman - onam
Pakistan - pakstan
Palestine - pale
Philippines - philines
Qatar - qutar
Saudi Arabia - Saùdi arab
Singapore - singa
Sri Lanka - shree lank
Syria - syir
Taiwan - Taiwân
Tajikistan - tajistan
Thailand - thaimeland
East Timor - eas timōr
Turkey - Turk
Turkmenistan - turkstan
United Arab Emirates - uni Arab Emiratès
Uzbekistan - uzbestan
Vietnam - velename
Yemen - zame

These were Asian countries name in romaincian it took me 1 hour to post this

2 years ago   96 浏览量   1 框架   3 喜欢


  Ashley-Lealeaf bunny55

Hi im bunny55 i lost my acc could you please follow me i followed you too....

1 years ago   回复
  Asoknajasa(STOP SAYING IM H...

Cool fact; Killing yourself doesn't send you to heaven, It sends you to hell.

To get to heaven in 2 steps;
1. Accept that chirst is your lord and Savior
2. Wait till you die.

2 years ago   回复
  👑PRINCY JACKSON 👑( Leader ...

Amazing 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻😁

2 years ago   回复

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