I think I'm transgender...
I don't know for sure, but I always feel wrong about my body I have really long and thick hair and I tend to get along with females well more than males (this means I often make more freinds who are a female, not a flirting type of thing) I also seem to be interested in girly stuff (dolls doll houses ETC) not saying you cant enjoy that if your a boy! I LOVE collecting plushies aswell, also not saying you cant enjoy that if your a boy
I don't know this could all be chance or luck but, I don't feel correct in my current body :(
I cope by drawing my character in life or death and gory situations (some of which are so gory and bloody I will get banned if I show them)
It makes me feel better knowing that they are pleading for sweet sweet mercy and in pain
I don't know
I'm looking at some transgender videos and transitioning stuff and, I kind of relate
Only time will tell
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