
This Is Greenadia(Read more info about greenedia in description)

So greenadia(not a real country shut up)was a giant island it was home to one tribe called Hergoza's.The Hergoza's were a peaceful tribe who ruled in different areas that being trenta,prema and gizola,but they also ruled a island a day away from reaching it was called waza but people would call it warzone in the present time(you'll see why).So all greenedia was talking about this special tree which if you were to take a fruit from it would grant you special powers bestowed by god himself,so people would talk about it and some tribe members would always go to waza in search off the purple tree called
Preta,but they would either never come back or they would come back empty handed.Many tribe members wanted the fruits for themselves spliting themselves from eachother causing a ruckus.The tribe leader of the entire island was not please but let it continue.So the reason why people called waza a warzone is because tribe members would fight the other tribes or betray their tribe to get to the tree first of course they were always unsuccessful.Another reason why some tribe members never came back is because there were tales of black giant monsters(who i'll show a picture of soon)who would kill them,these stories were true because some tribe members would nearly die to these monsters and say they do exist but when all tribes would have wars the monsters never appeared again,the end of the history of greenadia bye


2 years ago   26 views   1 frames



RedBall Web Use Acc

This place takes way back when

2 years ago   Reply

RedBall Web Use Acc

No much different

2 years ago   Reply
  RedBall Web Use Acc

CHINENSE copy of greenland

2 years ago   Reply (2)

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