notice that I have deleted all of my art that does not have a mention of turtles in it because idk 😐 I feel like they look bad and my turtles feel idk newer and better so- yesh plus I'm insecure so yeeee
I will be screenshotting all of my old art though [I forgot to fucking screenshot but still friend me if you want] so If you still want to see it then go friend my discord and I will give them to you for free this is my discord : 🧠♡× ŁØ§Ť BŔÆĪŇÇƏŁĽß ×♡🧠#7105 copy and paste it down into the search bar if needed Dons out !
2 years ago 15 浏览量 1 框架用iOS/Android应用程序绘制你的原创动漫