^ยฟยก UnderBean !?^ \ leader ...

What lucid dreaming is, tips, tricks and methods to help you. ( long lol tho you might wanna read. )

So lucid dreaming is basically where you're aware that you're in a dream, And you can control it and do whatever you want it. There are possibly thousands of ways to Lucid dream, You can easily slip into one it's just hard to slip into it I've had 2 Lucid dreams. Anyway so the way I do it is after I'm done with school, I usually fall asleep on the couch that's when my 1st one happened, I tire myself out so that way I can sleep easier.

Now I just need to go into my room shut off the light get things prepared if you need music or something To listen to I suggest a fan, If you can't get a fan then try not to listen to music Or static or white noise or whatever you listen to. It's because if you have silence or a fan you can sleep easier, Because the music no matter how coming or how low it is it keeps your mind awake which you don't want. Do you want one part of your brain awake but nothing else. Get prepared make sure you're letting laying on the colorful side of your bed. If you have bright colored bed sheets then keep your head towards those not literally, But get into a sleep position. After a few minutes squint your eyes open not not widely, You want it to be blurry but you can still see some color. Then think of all the shades of that color and all the beauty it has when you mix some of the colors with it. Do not let lucid dreaming slip your mind, if it does slip your mind that is okay. Just remember a rainbow and keep your mind focused on that rainbow and remember the rainbow spelt lucid dream ever every letter is felt with every shade of the rainbow. Like, The L in lucid dreaming is every shade of red and the U and lucid dreaming it's spelled with every shade of Orange, You can make a blink or anything in your head.

You can even have people climbing on it just let your imagination go wild. But keep your mind focused on lucid dreaming, That's how I usually do it or I just think of what I want to happen in lucid dream and then sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't I really hope this helps!

Ps: Remember to keep a writing journal, If you write down your dreams once you wake up then you can read them at night and you'll have clearer and most likely You'll lucid dream more remember to write down the lucidity, clarity ,how you slept and the mood of your dream. Lucidity means how lucid your dream was, clarity means how clear your dream was, and if you sleep well then you'll prob be lucid more. The mood means how happy, sad, or angry(+ other emotions) you were in the dream.

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  ^ยฟยก UnderBean !?^ \ leader ...


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