(read rentry)


Hi Akage! It's Nic- now Beanz. It's been a while hasn't it? Hmmm I wonder.. Have you ever learned to finally start respecting people and referring to them by their preferred pronouns? Do you still see me as a girl? Eh, whatever; that's besides the point. Anyways- one thing I really do hope for though is that you haven't forgotten that I'm Filipino! Because wowie! Oh boy do I sure want to have a word with you about this.... :



2 years. For TWO ENTIRE YEARS I was gone. Did you not change? At all? How old are you again? 18? You are a grown man. Seriously, what the hell do you think you're doing?

And before you even think about just dismissing this and brushing it all off, this isn't me being petty and bringing up some unnecessary drama out of revenge over our grooming thing from 2020. I've grown past that incident. That has no connection to this whatsoever. I'm bringing this up because regardless of whatever you've done to me in the past, because the things that you said in this perosn's DMs about the Philippines is so harmful and infuriating that I just had to bring it up; even if I don't know the full context to this situation.

First off, you go on to claim that the things that anything you learn in the Philippines is outdated and useless, even going as far as to double down to say that it's a "3rd world country" in a berating manner.

Do you not see how this is a problem? You are French. You are a white man. You, as a privileged white person should know better than to go out of your way to say these things about a country that you know is not as financially stable and up to date as yours.

...And worst part is that you KNOW that you're privileged. You clearly acknowledge that fact, evident by how you rub it into OP's face when you said that word for word that "France is a place full of privileges and rights". Oh yeah! And not to mention in the fact that in that same message you say that "anybody could enslave you for 10€" So, why did you think that was okay to say? At all? Because that is just. Genuinely so gross.

Moreover, you continue to argue that you want to free this artist and give them what they truly deserve by... making them leave the Philippines? And move to France? You also go on to say that you can make this artist "work for you" and that in turn will "change her life", which again- makes that whole enslavement comment all the more concerning. You then went on to say to OP that "I'm the one with the cards in hand: money and privileges, not you." which I can only describe at this point as just. Pure colonizer mentality. There's really nothing more to it.

After that, OP goes on to call you racist for what you've said and you in turn started acting all defensive and said that "I never said anything racist, I'm just stating facts“? Uh... you know, that there are more proper, more respectful ways to criticise my country, right...? Rather than enforcing harmful stereotypes about how uncivilised and underdeveloped it is.... ?

You want to help this artist you say, but is going as far as to start slandering their own hometown really necessary? Was this really the most appropriate approach to you? If they declined the offer, then stop. Do not force them to accept. If they refused, then they refused for a reason. You can't change that.

...Then there's the whole face reveal thing. Now, I'm not going to say anything about your face or insult you. That is none of my business to talk about and is of no substance to the situation. However- during this you talk about how you're going to "pick up" this artist at the airport which again is just. Kind of a creepy threat to make. After that, based on the screenshots I assume OP decides to send a real life photo of either themselves or the artist and you go on to reply to this photo and say to them- WORD FOR WORD "omg WTF are those clothes?! The poverty level is indeed" and. Honestly just fuck you.

Like dude! Seriously, what do you even want me to say? "Awww! Oh no! Sowwy not everyone in the Philippines has the privilege of having a stable, rich life and get to live in the comfort of a very expensive house! Sorry for being poor! 🥺" Like SHUT UP! WE GET IT! YOU'RE LUCKY AND WHITE AND PRIVILEGED! FUCK OFF ALREADY!

...Then in the end, you bring up your past trauma as an excuse to prove that you're not a bad person. Honestly, I can't really say much in response to this asides from that I do genuinely hope you got the help you needed. The situation with your family sounds very complicated, and I hope for the best for you in that regard. I can get how getting raised around a bad and toxic atmosphere can really ruin you in the long run and I understand that. I can truly sympathise with that.

....HOWEVER, those experiences in no way whatsoever makes all the terrible actions you've done any less terrible. Again, you should have known better. You are someone with a big platform- something you've acknowledged and bragged about time and time again; use it responsibly. Because even if I don't know the full story behind this situation and the two individuals you're talking about in here- as a Filipino, hearing words akin to those spoken by the Spaniards who colonised this land coming from someone as privileged as yourself is just utterly disgusting, no matter what.

Grow up, change as a person, and leave my country and it's people alone. Our economy and society's issues are none of your business. Goodbye.


2 years ago   440 views   1 frames   13 Like


  (read rentry)


OI BWISET KA AKAGE why'd you delete almost all of ur replies hmmm 🤨 jusko po mukhang bobo ka talaga

1 years ago   Reply

I really don’t know who this is, but they sound horrid. I’m really sorry you had to experience this sh*t…. I think Filipino artists are amazing and they shouldn’t be judged for their nation whatsoever!!

2 years ago   Reply
  (read rentry)


Ohhh yes please go ahead!! I want this information to reach as many people as possible on here, so any kind of repost/copypasta is very valuable ☺️ tyyy

2 years ago   Reply

Beanz can I post this on my account to spread the word? If not I completely understand🙏

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  🍓HeyItsJazzy 🍓

I never said I protect people from your bs?? 😭😂 If you’re gonna try and quote me at least make it accurate? I said if it wasn’t for people falling victim to your bs you wouldn’t be a thought in my mind! Very different.. Really strange you tried to switch up my words like that when you can literally see I didn’t say that, not really out of character for you tho. Anyway, this isn’t about that, I’m not going to stoop to your level and take away from the real important message here on this post, your ignorance and harassment.

2 years ago   Reply

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