Problems with animemaker.
Hello, fellow followers! Today, we are gonna talk about problems with anime maker. Ok, first problem. There’s too many users who are anime weebs. when I say “weeb” I mean they take the apps name too seriously. Unfortunately, many of these users can’t even get too 50 followers. There is barley any successful anime users. Ok, time for problem 2. There’s many users that are GREAT at drawing and making animations, but don’t get much attention. Meanwhile, one of my followers (who I’m following too) who’s Oc is literally a stickman AND HE HAS OVER 300 FOLLOWERS! Ok, now for the Final, and worst problem, is people literally quitting. Listen, PEOPLE QUIT ALL THE TIME ON HERE! Just why!? It’s crazy! Why not just be a user on anime maker, when you can’t be a YouTuber?! THINK OF QUITTING ANIMEMAKER BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BECOME A YOUTUBER WHEN YOU CANT!!!
Andddd that is all the problems there are with animemaker.