
I’ll never forget the time a lizard almost burned my friend’s house down

So my friend goes to school, sits down looking angry, And he tells us a CRAZY story. He says it was a late night, so he fed his pet Leopard Gecko named “Noodles” before he went to bed. He got distracted by his Leopard Geckos cute reaction and left the heating lamp (the lamp that makes the Gecko warm and toasty) lit on and placed it in the WOODEN CABINET. He woke up and smelled the awful sensation of smoke, he didn’t piece things together until he looked on his cabinet and saw fire, he didn’t know what to do, he was in a panic. His mom who also smelled the smoke came in to put it out! All that was going through his mind at the time was “ What if I slept in”. (Don’t worry everybody is ok)

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