
Somewhat an important post

Hello y’all! This is some uh important announcement
For the new people here on the app, im Dean, ive been here since probably 2020
And you all might be wondering whats going on? Well you see…
Since the last maybe 4 months i’ve been planning to actually post this that im going to…(get ready)
Leave…temporarily, not like temporarily just 1 week, could be a month(s) or even year(s) i might be back one day though (or if you’re lucky i might still be here a bit) or i might have done it. (If you know, you know)
Maybe some of you are like (or not) “Hey you just posted now! You cant just leave after you came back!” I know but anyways
My reason is because this might be a good decision to do for the future after all the drama and toxicity i went through since they all had a large impact on my mental health at a young age, I know this all sounds silly and stupid but its for the good of all (or my good) but anyways
I’d like to thank all my friends for being in my life including my “enemies/rivals” even if they said/did something bad that affected me, it taught me how to be mature though, I apologize for anything i said/did that was negative to some of you, im truly sorry. This is very long and i know no one will see this post, just remember, Goodbye doesn’t mean forever.
But this is again, Dean signing off temporarily for the last time,
Goodbye to every one of you, i’ll miss you all, have a great life, Goodluck and bye. (Although ill say, i apologize for defending abdel, im very sorry for those who got involved in the drama, i was a very stupid kid back then, i never realized it was wrong, i hope you can all forgive me, if you don’t, its alright, what i did was wrong and i deserve the hate.)


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  Pirouette 🌙


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