
hehe storytime :)

so there was this lid

we're gonna call him ced cuz that's his name
no last names obv

so, he went to school w me in 3 of the many different schools that I've been to. I mostly know him from the first school I went too, for being a gross lil asshole who was incredibly childish and obnoxious. that's how everyone knew him

(I'm gonna refer to the schools I'm talking abt as h, c, and p, timeliness being in that order lol)

so, I knew Caleb the entire time I went to h. he never rlly spoke to me, and when he did it was just a brief altercation w him being obnoxious and rude. and I mostly just avoided him. so me n this kid had like. no relations whatsoever

well, I was in h from kindergarten up to the middle of 4th grade, which is when my parents split and we moved.

in 3rd grade, I ended up being in the same class as Caleb and sitting next to him(I was fucking devastated). so he tried to interact w me a lot more often, to my dismay

one day in class, around the middle of the school year, I was sitting in class. everything was perfectly fine and Caleb was doing his usual messing around w random shit and picking his nose and all that. this kid was nasty asf

suddenly, I smelled smth burning. I look down and there's a fucking firecracker under my desk and the edge of my jacket was on fire. I stamped it out and then went to let the teacher know. they ended up going through both mine and Caleb's desks, and they found a pack of firecrackers in his, so they brought us both to the office and called our parents

we sat down and started questioning him. yk, cuz like. fire crackers r flammable n what not, yada yada. it was rlly just them being like 'no no, fire bad' and they were just gonna let it slide.

but then, the mf just says 'I thought they were fireworks!'they questioned him abt that

turns out the little fuck thought they were fireworks and planted them under my desk cuz he thought they would k i l l me. lol

and he said his reason was c he LIKED me
cuz yk, that's perfectly reasonable n all.(not)

he ended up going to therapy or some shit and being kicked out of the school

so, then I move to c schools ND he ends up being there. but thankfully, he moves almost as soon as I move in

I move to p school(my current school) and he's there. he tried to talk to me quite a bit while he was here, and he acted rlly...gross towar
ds me. if u get what I mean 😬

he ended up moving from here too after abt a year of me being here tho

lmao idk it was just a funny goofy lil thing I was thinking abt and thought I'd post



1 years ago   20 views   8 frames


  Bob #1 on FBI most wanted list

Bro he should have gotten at least expelled for doing that

1 years ago   Reply


1 years ago   Reply

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