Ok so
I’m done, like ima go, me and Roman are done he’s gone, Styx and me are done she’s I don’t fucking know
Cross and me are basically done (From what I see)
I’m kinda just so tired of needing to muilt task while talking to all of you, cause me and everyone else here have no chill, like none at all.
And truly I feel nothing anymore for most of you, I do for some but now, (selective few btw) you kinda don’t mean shit to me.
So ima go like date Joey and I might not ever come back, cause I can say this loud and proud, some of you are just like Kyle, the man who groomed me, and you make me hate myself in every way possible and I hate you with all my soul, never talk to me again, cause really your dog shit, I’ll still talk to some people but I swear to god if you try to tell me I was in the wrong for a biopolar episode, I’m going to go ape shit.