
Ok so

I’m done, like ima go, me and Roman are done he’s gone, Styx and me are done she’s I don’t fucking know
Cross and me are basically done (From what I see)
I’m kinda just so tired of needing to muilt task while talking to all of you, cause me and everyone else here have no chill, like none at all.
And truly I feel nothing anymore for most of you, I do for some but now, (selective few btw) you kinda don’t mean shit to me.
So ima go like date Joey and I might not ever come back, cause I can say this loud and proud, some of you are just like Kyle, the man who groomed me, and you make me hate myself in every way possible and I hate you with all my soul, never talk to me again, cause really your dog shit, I’ll still talk to some people but I swear to god if you try to tell me I was in the wrong for a biopolar episode, I’m going to go ape shit.


2 years ago   66 浏览量   1 框架   1 喜欢



Hey I respect whatever decision you mack and I care about you I hope things get better I know that the most basic thing I can say but it the most true thing I can say also I'm some what confused what going on but I'm sure things will slowly get better even if it tacks a long time stay strong and I'm here for you

2 years ago   回复


Oh shit

2 years ago   回复


They also think it’s the end of the fucking world when they go into a storm shelter like it’s not that big of a deal, like I’ve been locked in a closet alone hiding from my father so he didn’t hit me for hours, with no water or food, but I don’t act like it’s the end

2 years ago   回复


Because they get mad whenever you call them out on there bullshit, and when you say something about something they get wrong they lock themselves up and then pretend that you did something so evil they can’t even look at you, they also love to pretend like there a fucking baby and they also refuse to see the shit pyro dose wrong other than what he already did they also hate talking to people who don’t feed into there baby complex or constantly comment and comfort them cause there a fucking toddler

2 years ago   回复 (1)

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