
The Seven Gems Of Healing - episode 13: The new member

Spesia - hey Flary can you give me the book?
Flary - why?
Spesia - i wanna show Swep the gems we need! Maybe he can help us!
Flary - alrig-
Leafy - NO! I mean... yes...! Let he help us...!
Swep - Hm? That voice is familiar...
Leafy - Uh oh...
Flary - Take the book Spesia
Spesia - Alright! So we need all of these!
Swep - You already got the first 3 gemstones, right?
Spesia - Yep you can go see them!
Swep - Ok!
Leafy - oh no no no NO! Close this cabinet!

Leafy close the cabinet as fast as possible.

Swep - what was that sound?
Flary - N-nothing! I was just cooking something and i unintentionally pushed the cabinet...!
Swep - ok

Spesia and Swep go to Aly's room to see the gems.

Swep - Spesia, whos sleeping there?
Spesia - Its Aly, shes unconscious...
Swep - Oh... hope you guys get all the gemstones to wake her up...
Spesia - Thanks
Swep - I don't know if i am being... nosy but can i... uhm...
Spesia - Nosy for what?
Swep - Like... i am... how do i say... i like gemstones a lot...
Spesia- Alright whats the point?
Swep - Can i join the adventure??
Spesia - Yes! The more members, better! But first you need to know all the members!

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

Leafy - i guess im going to pass out
Flary - But hes helping us-
Leafy - I don't- he- us- Argh!
Flary - Ok tell me what is bad with Swep-

Leafy fastly closes the cabinet

Spesia - This is Flary, he's a master with fire... once i saw him eating the 3rd spiciest chili in the world without complaining!
Flary - i tought my mouth would explode but nothing!
Swep - Woah this guy's tough!
Spesia - Now you need to know-
Flary - Guys let's go to the next adventure for the amber!
Spesia - Wait let just Swep meet Leafy!
Swep - Leafy??
Flary - Uh oh...
Leafy - Spesia!

Leafy get out of the cabinet

Swep - Oh my GOD Leafy it's really you!

Leafy turns away

Swep - Leafy i'm sorry for thay day-
Leafy - No you are NOT.
Swep - Please...
Spesia - Hey Flary what's wrong with Leafy?
Flary - I count you later, let me just handle this...
Spesia - Alright
Flary - Ok guys stop fighting now

Swep and Leafy continue arguing

Flary - Well if this won't work...

Flary steps strongly making a fire barrier between Swep and Leafy.

Swep - Oh my god you scared me!
Flary - Just stop arguing!!

The fire barrier disappear
Some time later...

Spesia - Flary you didn'y said yet why they don't like each other!
Flary - Neither me, Leafy said it was personal reasons...

Lazy to do new drawing from beggining so i just used the same drawing for ep 12

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