


I feel like nothing but a bother to everyone.

ppl act like they have to be around me. like it's a requirement. a chore. a responsibility.
it's not. no one has to waste their time with me. no one 'has' to speak to me. I don't need you to. I would survive without it. you would survive without it. you'd be better off without it.
I don't want people to get involved w me or my shit, because they don't want to. no one wants to. some feel like they have to, and it passes me off. it makes me feel like shit.

I just want someone who WANTS to be here.

my partner doesn't want to be here. they only feel like they have to because they hurt me so many times. they feel obligated to stay w me so they don't hurt me again. they don't want me.

my friends barely even acknowledge me anymore. the don't want to be here. all they really are now are people I won't freak out around in public, bc I'm comfortable with them. they feel like I need them.

my family is my family. that's the only reason they're here.

no one here has to talk to me. or even acknowledge me. I hate it when people act like they must.

I hate.




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