

he's a dirty funking cheater!!
he chested on my mother w over 60 different women. some of which he had physical sex with.
he absolutely broke her heart.
they were together for 10 years
they had 3 kids together.
and he fucked it all up.

it kinda really sucks bc the way they met was, absolutely disgusting bc my mom was 15 and my dad was 27, but also adorable bc it was like a scene in a movie.
it was so cute when my mom told me the story.
and he fucking ruined it.
he ruined her.
she was such a nice woman. she was so sweet. and happy.
now she's going thru depression and has turned into somewhat of a bitch.
and she slaready been thru enough as it is.
she went thru SO. MUCH. sexual harassment as a child.
and heart break.
and abandonment.
and he just fuckling played w her feelings for 10 funking years, then left her.
and now
he likes to act pitiful
talking abt how lonely he is.
even tho the only reason he hasn't gotten another gf yet is bc they all left when he started getting all mushy over my mom and how much he misses her.
he didn't deserve her.
she deserves so much better.

and my stepdad isn't much better. he's chested on her multiple times.
only reason they're still together I'd bc he promised to help w my sisters basketball funds and college shit.
thats it.
they have 2 kids together now.

I just
I hate these people.
so much.

. . .

just anger.
my apologies.




1 years ago   26 views   1 frames


[user is deactivated]
1 years ago   Reply

Don't 6ou dare apologize, you have every right too vent too us

1 years ago   Reply


That’s true..but he still cheated. That’s messed up, but I guess at least he’s better then your father..I shows there’s always improvement

1 years ago   Reply


[I mean, at least my step-dad better.
at least he fucking cares.
at least he's there.
he has done some stupid shit.
and I hate it.
but he's here for us. he tales care of us when we need it]

1 years ago   Reply (1)
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1 years ago   Reply

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