Josh likes Bugattis


You know I bet nobody will see this because you never pay attention to us. The small creators who actually try. You always pay attention to the big creators because bitch kenmaz “try’s” to make this a good community but never puts the small creators anime’s up here. Because no one wants to see even the first frame of something that “could” have potential. Really kenmaz does not give a crap about the community. He/she only gives a fuck about the popular animes and I have a fuckin example. He puts up the good looking anime’s by a fucking no life half assed prick Abdel on innocent viewers for you pages. But he never puts the good peoples animations up on the for you page do you? Bad person or not he puts you up there. You could be a good person following in gods image and try to spread the holy gospel and not be put up because your style ain’t good enough. Plus there could be a really good picture but not in the for you page because the low amount of frames. Kenmaz you must hear this. You need to put some of the bad animations up because they could be nice ones instead of thinking about entertainment. Otherwise for now I’m apart of the small percentage that says your a shitty bitchy dumb halfassed prick

1 years ago   16 views   6 frames


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