Dammnn, the three musketeers of depression
Cross: FUCK, WHY WOULD SHE....WHYYYY *throwing shit around in tears*
Artemis: shit shit shit shit shit shit, please say sike right now.....PLEASE
[She...she's leaving us, but, you've gotta understand that this is for her health, she's not gonna sit here and please you both]
Artemis: I know that but *he hugs Phil in tears* we didn't even get a good bye....just....why..
Cross: She wouldn't she.......why....nothing is worth living anymore.....what about smiley???? What about the cabin? All the shrooms, we still have too run more tests on those things....
[Yes yes yes....I know...but just...we can get over it. Just....don't make it hard for her...]
Artemis: *sniffles* mhm....can I wear that shirt?
[Tf??? No! This is the last thing I have of her, I'm sorry man...]
Cross: *he sits down and starts balling on the couch his tail curling up*
[Cross....please don't....you know this is the best for her]
Cross: I know...just...*he sighs then hides his face in his hoodie*
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