
Dammnn, the three musketeers of depression

Cross: FUCK, WHY WOULD SHE....WHYYYY *throwing shit around in tears*

Artemis: shit shit shit shit shit shit, please say sike right now.....PLEASE

[She...she's leaving us, but, you've gotta understand that this is for her health, she's not gonna sit here and please you both]

Artemis: I know that but *he hugs Phil in tears* we didn't even get a good bye....just....why..

Cross: She wouldn't she.......why....nothing is worth living anymore.....what about smiley???? What about the cabin? All the shrooms, we still have too run more tests on those things....

[Yes yes yes....I know...but just...we can get over it. Just....don't make it hard for her...]

Artemis: *sniffles* mhm....can I wear that shirt?

[Tf??? No! This is the last thing I have of her, I'm sorry man...]

Cross: *he sits down and starts balling on the couch his tail curling up*

[Cross....please don't....you know this is the best for her]

Cross: I know...just...*he sighs then hides his face in his hoodie*


1 years ago   17 views   1 frames   1 Like




Cross: *he leads you back out of the cabin* there was no use of going inside am I right? *he chuckles*
Now, let's get goin...*he begins too walk twords the place*

[Well...how exactly are you w these things? Well...considering I prob already know, it's prob not that bad, but all I'm trying to say is....don't get rid of my number pls, I'll do everything, in my power too not remind you of this....hellish app, and if you try and go back, i'll, you in check and make you remember why you did it in the first place..but it's okay if you don't wanna just, scared of what's gonna happen too you is all...]

1 years ago   Reply


yea...that sounds nice..

[...if I ever were to come back. I wouldn't come back just to pile you w my problems. I would never do that. this is just. the only reason I'm doing it this way is bc I know how I am with these things.]

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Cross: how about....we go to a skating rink? Arnt those your favorite?

[Well...honestly, you didn't have too, like, ofc I know what you mean, but like, I'm not gonna be the problem, I swear, I respect your decisions, and while yes, I'm happy your doing what you need too do, I'm just.....a lil scared that your gonna come back too me one day and I'm gonna be fed up w it bc you ditched me and then came back too me w all of your problems.......but yes, that is the most effective way]

1 years ago   Reply (1)


hmm....oki- and, idk. I just wanna spend time w you two before-...yk...idc what we do. *she squeezes his hand tighter*

[...I'm sorry about that. I'm really really sorry. I didn't want to...but knowing me, if I keep talking to you two, I'm gonna wanna come right back. I don't want that.]

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Cross: *he takes you back too the cabin* so, me and Artemis are gonna split you, I get you for a lil while, and he gets you for the rest of the time, tell me when you wanna go too him, but, whacha wanna do?

[Hm, well...like I said i get it, but just remember this us what you wanna do my love, you can always turn back, which I doubt it but....it's always an option, Pyro understands, artsy is....somewhat okay, simp also understands, and I also understand, just wish you didn't wipe me from your contacts is all...but yes, I see where your head is at]

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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