regarding the 2020 abdel grooming situation
(6/23/24) SLIGHTLY EDITED I removed the more personal parts/the parts where I was venting lol
i already said this before and im going to say this again; do NOT EVER fucking mention me on other social media platforms when it comes to akage/abdel shit. THAT INCLUDES LINKS THAT REFER TO ME BY MY USERNAME.
it does not matter what your intentions are, i get that you want to help and spread awareness but fucking hell. do not do this. if you're going to make a callout thread regarding this situation PLEASE CONSULT WITH ME ABOUT THIS FIRST. you do not just casually talk about shit like this without consulting the victim about it and asking for their permission if they want to stay public or not. what pisses me off the most is that OP used an old ass post that was made over 2 years ago by an ex mutual of mine that doesn't even detail what happened accurately.
there was no fucking "flirting", it started from a misunderstanding where another one of my ex mutuals said in one of my comment sections that he talked like a pedo and making it sound like he had a crush on me which resulted in me feeling super fucking uncomfortable since he was 15, turning 16 in only like a month or two while i was 11, and made me think that him making me all that fanart for me at the time was some type of weird obsession. i ended up posting about how weird i thought it was and a lot of my mutuals seemed to have felt the same way about it too, and eventually we got into a long drawn out arguement with akage in the comments that caused the entire situation to escalate and spiral out of control.
to clarify and give my current stance on all this; i do not really believe that i am a personally a victim of grooming. i DO however firmly believe that akage was a groomer, and that i almost could have gotten groomed by him at the time, as there have been COUNTLESS amounts of accounts pointing to him being a groomer. ive seen people that were around my age at the time share their experiences of him sending suggestive/sexual dms to them on discord, flirting with them and being very disloyal to his former girlfriend at the time, with some events even being recorded as recently as just LAST YEAR.
he always used to defend himself with the notion that he himself was a minor and therefore couldn't be a pedophile, which depending on how you could see it COULD be true i guess, but he can be and definitely is a groomer. he also had some other nonsensical excuses, like from what i could remember he sent a meme to my mutuals who were defending me at the time on discord that said something like "im not a pedophile, im a lolicon" which was just. STILL WEIRD AS HELL though i know that there is a discussion to be had on the topic of pro fiction stuff with the loli/shotacon and fiction doesnt equal reality bullshit which i really do not want to delve into but at the same time, he also said once that my aforementioned ex mutual who made the linked post in the tweet had an "annoying loli voice" so i dont even know what to make of that initial statement at this point.
so please. ask for my permission before talking about this. ive said this time and time again; I DO NOT WANT MY FAMILY TO FIND OUT ABOUT ANY OF THIS. putting this information out in the public eye especially on twitter where people are a lot more vocal about things is genuinely putting my own personal safety at risk. i dont want my family to find out that all this shit was the reason why i wasnt attending classes, responding to my classmates, ignoring my friends, not submitting my schoolwork on time. it's been fucking draining, that situation combined with honestly just being on this app genuinely ruined a part of my life, and im always paranoid that one day all that information might end up getting resurfaced. so please just let me be
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