(SERIOUS) My emotions outside vs my emotions inside:
I’m actually so stressed from AnimeMaker. I’m not quitting, it’s just tiring. It’s a bit scary to think if you say one bad thing, you lose popularity, or if you post one weird thing, ppl rant abt you. I’m already under stress at school cuz next week is SATs and I never fvcking do my homework or study or focus. Even at home, I struggle for attention. The only thing I’d ever want in my life was ppl to like me not for what a post or how I act, but for who I am inside. Please take this into consideration, a few other ppl on AnimeMaker are going thru the same stress I am and they’re probably deleting the app while we speak. Learn that actions and words have consequences.
1 years ago 19 views 10 framesDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!