What i did at school today

Me and my class had to do the old great register and after breaktime we got to take our socks and shoes off at P.E after that we practiced on our show songs Such as: Let's go to the zoo, Chinesse new year, Why we need a friend Etc. (i frogot the rest) so then we got to practice our lines on scene six which i didint bring the lines so what i did is i asked my friend and am not gonna say her name since she is aware of being unsecure so we shared the script, You know i didint read her lines i readed mines Am acting as Bounder... Meanwhile it wasin't our turn.. I was bored as hell AND FINALLY IT WAS OUR TURN! 😀 ✋ As we finished we played duck duck goose with the whole class Including our teacher, we had a great time with that

1 years ago   4 回視聴   1 コマ



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