
oc lore

[link unavailable bcus imma just type it out here]
Beginnings (Year 0 - 17)

Mijo Ahato resides in an urban neighborhood, a normal neighborhood. This neighborhood is located in [CLASSIFIED]. She lives with her older brother (trans), Leo Ahato. Their parents are Emily Ahato and Henford Ahato. Leo takes care of Mijo, as their parents are usually busy with work and always on business trips.
Her friends are Abby Moto and Henry Erwin. They are childhood friends, and stay with her until high school. She has good grades, usually around A- to A+. She also plays the saxophone in a band. She is average in skill. Her friends also play in a band, the same band. Henry plays oboe and Abby plays trombone.
She and her friends depart after high school, and after this (about 6 months), Mijo finds a job that needs someone, especially someone who has the same skills. She makes an attempt to get this job, and succeeds. They tell her about what she does in the job, and this explanation tells about all the things she will do. Even knowing this, she agrees, because if she doesn’t, she won’t remember.

Start of Uncanniness (Year 16 ½ - 19 ½)

Mijo starts her job, which is at [CLASSIFIED]. This industry keeps murders secret. These murders are kept secret because if they aren’t, anarchy will happen. Mijo works as an artist for cover-ups, and as a “crime scene” eliminator. What “crime scene eliminator” means that she cleans up crime scenes, by making everything look like how it looked before the murder. She also helps in the disposal of the corpses.
This work makes the world better, as it gets rid of all potential threats that the corporation currently knows of. This is not disclosed to the public, as they are too much of a threat, that even if someone knew about them, it could potentially bring chaos and panic throughout the area.

Reunion (Year 19 ½ - 24)

Mijo has worked for 4 years in this industry so far. No mental and physical health effects have taken place, with the exception of feeling more… empty. A new worker comes to the company she works in, and also works in the same field, and this worker is Abby Moto. Mijo meets up with her and Mijo’s emptiness is immediately filled with love. (Author’s Note: I feel really corny typing this, so I won’t go into detail about how they start dating.)
Mijo and Abby start dating. This doesn’t affect their work, other than more motivation than usual. Mijo gets to a higher position in this time frame, from the Newspaper Cover-Up team and Restoration, to Head of all cover-up related work and Time Keeping. Abby also goes from someone who just sorts the files, to one of the people in charge of the locations. Leo Ahato starts working as an assassin at year 6 months after the start of this time frame.

Present (Year 26)

Mijo and Abby are engaged. Mijo currently looks over both the Restoration and Cover-Up field, and Abby takes the role of Head Time Keeper. Mijo usually frequents helping out with weapon construction. Leo also has a higher position in his work, but this is classified.

1 years ago   3 views   1 frames



i know this is kinda confusing (and i added a slight hint of romance), but at least it's better than literally plagiarizing all the lore behind dedf1sh and ENA

1 years ago   Reply

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