
Dummies vs noobs is cool

A cool war game where youre the Dummies and you have to fight the Noobs. Once you pick the map and the game mode (there are 4 game modes, but players would usually pick Siege and Mastermind. Mastermind would basically let one of the players control the game and spawn enemies by their own choosing), in the lobby, you get teleported into a warzone. A bunch of Noob npc troops will spawn and would try to shoot you, so you have no other choice but to hide or shoot back.
Luckily, there will be players that will help you, so it wont be that hard unless everyone in your server doesnt know how to play. If you get shot down, you dont die immediately. Instead of teleporting back to the lobby, you stay ragdolled on the ground until someone comes up to your dead body with a device that can revive people (it takes a while though) and revive you. But if everyone dies, then the whole game would restart and teleport you back to the lobby.

Every game have 10 waves, and you get money whenever you finish each wave. You can use the money for buying ammo, buying weapons, or upgrading your current weapons that fits your style of fighting the best.

Every time 2-3/2-4 waves passes, a boss will spawn. Each boss has a different type of power or skill, which means you have to find a strategy to be able to kill each one.

In the first 2-3 waves, a boss will spawn. It could be Daedalus or Tempest.

If Daedalus spawns, run. Daedalus has the power of teleportation, sort of. His power is digging a hole in the ground with his pickaxe, going in it, and digging back up right behind the player in the matter of seconds. Once he digs back up, he sneaks behind the player and immediately kills them with his pickaxe. If a Daedalus spawns, it is recommended to never stand still at all. His only weakness is players that constantly keep running, because he would have to chase them.

If he starts chasing a player, thats your time to shoot at Daedalus. Unfortunately, you would only have a few seconds to shoot Daedalus since he is coded to dig back down after a few seconds of running, so you have to keep a close eye on him if he digs back up again.

If Tempest spawns, dont ever go near him. It is usually recommended to not go near with your fellow players since it would be faster for Tempest to kill all the players. Tempest has a weapon that can shoot lightning (I honestly dont know what to call it) on all different directions. His fire rate is kinda fast, and he deals 25 damage everytime he shoots. He patrols around the map with that weapon on his hands, waiting for someone to accidentally bump into him and die within seconds. So what should you do? It is easier to kill Tempest from tall buildings, usually with a sniper. You can still be able to shoot him with other guns though, and thats all. But apparently, some players are stubborn enough to immediately run into Tempest in hopes of killing him with a shovel and die, which makes killing Tempest look harder. But if Tempest spawns while youre in a small map, then damn, youre doomed.

And apparently, Tempest is a 19 year old?1!1??!

In the second 2-3 waves, a boss will spawn. It could be Fusilier or Prometheus.

I would only just simplify the skill and powers of each bosses because this would be too long lol.

If Fusilier spawns, keep moving while trying to kill him I guess? All he does is shoot out sticky grenades that detonates within a few seconds.

And check out this guy's funny quote.

“Alcohol doesn't mix well with an explosives expert-”
*hiccup* “-yet here I am.”

Now, Prometheus. If Prometheus spawns, then keep running and never go near him. (Hes like Tempest but more range and fnaf 3), he shoots out pyroballs with his flamethrower that apparently isnt exactly a flamethrower. Everytime these pyroballs hit the ground, it creates a huge fire circle around it that burns and damages players. I still dont know how to kill Promethues other than just shooting him from far away, so yeah.

In the last 2-4 waves, 2 bosses will spawn. It could be Achilles, Sparta, or Trident. And holy shit, theyre scary.

If Achilles spawns, pick a good hiding spot where you can go in and out within a few steps. Achilles has a drone buddy that generates a forcefield around him and a sniper (I think?), thats called an armor peeler. When Achilles sees a player, his drone buddy would disable his forcefield to let Achilles shoot. You would only have 2-3 seconds till Achilles starts to one shoot you (and just so you know, he does 40 damage but his firerate is incredibly fast), so use that time to hide (if you havent found a goof spot to hide yet), or shoot him then hide before his 2-3 second cool down finishes. If the player is out of site, then the drone would enable his force field again.

He also has long hair.

Now, Sparta. If Sparta spawns, keep running and dont go near him. Sparta can dash to a player in a straight line, whether if the player is on the sky or not. And once ehe dashes up to you, he immediately kills you with his two blades. But whats so annoying about Sparta is that every time he killed a player, he gains 20% of his health back. But the good thing is that he only has 350-410 health (unlike some bosses that have a 1000+) But still, to all the players out there. D o n t d i e f r o m h i m p l e a s e .

If Trident spawns, stay away from his sight because hes scary as fuck. Everytime Trident sees a player, he would immediately grapple onto the the player and drag him to the depths of darn (which is himself). And once the player is grappled to him, he immediately slashes the player with his sword and the player dies. The only way to escape Trident when youre being grappled onto is to shoot those 2 glowing orbs that appear on screen. Once you shoot them, you would be let go and wont be grappled in the next 5 seconds which gives you time to escape out of his sight. Its still scary when youre being grappled though.

Thats all for the bosses, now onto the next section, the roles. (And no, I know that I missed out on Mastermind but like- he only appears on Mastermind gamemode)

If the game already sounds hard for you, then dont worry. Each player can pick a role for their own and each role has their own skills. The roles are: Specialist, Scout, Engineer, Recon, Assault and lastly, Medic. (I will only mention some of them because I usually main Medic and never touched any other role besides Scout.)

If you choose the role Medic, you would have a bow where you can shoot people. But its not any normal bow. Instead of travelling with your revive devices at hand in the risk of getting shot at by the npcs, all you can do is shoot your bow at the dead person (unless theyre mangled), and they would be healed.

If you choose the role of Scout, you would have a jetpack that helps you travel in high speeds. Using the jetpack would blast you very far away, but could be only used twice until it starts its cooldown. Luckily, the cooldown only takes a few seconds so it isnt really a problem. You can also upgrade your jetpack into different types. Once you try to upgrade, you get two options to pick. I forgot what was the first one's name, but it is basically the jetpack but better. And the second one is the grappler. The grappler is basically from aot. It lets you grapple onto buildings and get launched where you want to go, it is hard to control (for me probably), but it does seem fun once you get used to it.

(Not so fun fact, there used to be a an upgrade for the jetpack which was called the exoskeleton. It used to be an upgrade I loved alot because it makes your movement speed and your jump power high for a decent amount of seconds. And yes, no dashing which makes it easier to control. And its perfect for Scouts since they love dashing up to troops, killing them with a shovel and running away. But apparently, 2 updates ago they replaced it with grappler. Grappler is okay and all, but I still miss using exoskeleton.)

If you choose Engineer, you basically just set up turrets in every places you want. They can run out of ammo though, and you have to reload them with an ammo pack that you have to buy. (You can ask players for them to reload your turrets since each player also has ammo packs).

Thats all for the roles, even though I didnt cover up all of them. Now onto the last section, the different kinds of enemy troops.

There can be different types of enemy troops. Its like the bosses, but theyre more weaker (actually maybe there are some that are more stronger and terrifying than a few of the bosses). This will only be a very short section because theres a too much stuff I need to talk about here, and I just want to simplify it because my cousin is begging me to play a horror game with him.

There are two kinds of different kinds of enemy Noobs (besides the bosses). The humans and the mechs, and god the mechs are terrifying and take some strategy to murder. Theres even one mech that looks like a giant spider (probably about 6x the size of a player), it scares me. And when it dies, it makes a very loud death noise. Theres also another mech that looks like a spider, but atleast its a smaller one. Its still annoying as hell though because people would struggle trying to kill it (you can only damage it from under). And the humans enemies, theyre not really scary. But theyre annoying as hell. Theres one type of enemy that would immediately start shooting you at high speeds whenever it sees you. And one that would get launched up into the sky and shoot you with a rocket launcher. Theres also a sniper, a shielder, a cloaker (it one hits and mangles players that are near them), the grenadier (it shoots out gas bombs which turns your whole screen gray), and more. The game is literally almost impossible to beat, but if youre lucky enough to join a server with professionals, then yes, youll have a chance to finish wave 10 and win.

So thats all about Dummy vs Noobs, theres more info here about the stuff I didnt bother to talk about

So conclusion? The game sucks and its too hard and the playerbase sucks too they keep making terrible decisions and being a medic sucks /hj


1 years ago   12 views   1 frames




i know

1 years ago   Reply

somethings wrong with you

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  [♡stupid creature♡]

why does this long paragraph scares me

1 years ago   Reply

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