
Goodbye Animemaker.

It has come to my attention that this app is become said anything to me to see everything change in just a blink of an eye. And, I want to say, that I loved my time being in this app, and I will miss each and everyone of you. Now as I will say, this app has been very chaotic and very unhealthy for me to continue to be here due to the amount of toxixness, and due to the amount of children being immature on this damn forsaken app. It is a saddening thing to see but I do not care at this point so goodbye if you want to see more of my art you’ve just follow me on TikTok or Instagram because that’s where I will be for now on Discord is only limited to friends .

Tik tok: Gia_russo or C_Pemali.
Instagram: Gia_russoof or itsjust._.c
If you say anything sexual or rude to any of my art in those accounts, I will not hesitate to Ban you, report, anything like that. I am not in the mood, nor do I want to see that type of behavior when I am on those social media’s please and thank you.

10 months ago   31 浏览量   1 框架   2 喜欢




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