
confession (not really a confession but just some crazy stuff i did in school)

story 1:
me and my friend, i'll call them iz, were walking around at recess, when we found an electric box (i think it was a power generator or something), and i touched it, it was very hot, and it reminded me of those times people cooked eggs on metal using only sunlight.
"i wonder if we can cook an egg on this" i said, this was not a joke. then i said "can you bring an egg to school tomorrow my parents wont let me and i dont even bring lunch to school" and then iz said "yeah sure my parents arent that strict, i can also bring gloves"
the next day, iz actually brought an egg, and showed me. i told a lot of people (except for the snitches) and then we got out for recess. somehow iz got the egg outside, and another one of my friends (referred to M), said "you guys are gonna get in trouble omg) and then M just watched us do this. i have no idea why
then someone else (referred to E), said "i'll help you with keeping the yolk in place, but whos eating it?" then i said "me ofc" because i fear no food poisoning, i have lactose intolerance im used to pain after eating something, so then we tried to cook the egg.
it did not work. iz said "scramble it," then E just broke the damn yolk as violently as they could, then M kept on saying "im not part of this" for some reason, but still, the egg did not cook. we tried to scrape it off the electric box, but then there was still egg residue on the electric box. M then scraped it off, because they're a good friend, i tried to give them a stick but it didnt work, for some reason iz and E just ran away
no one (except for the witnesses) found out. i am so amazed no one found out we were in broad daylight and it was right next to the soccer field 😭

story 2:
me and my friends were taking leaves of the trees, and giving to people pretending its money. it was so much fun, then i had the idea to pretend the leaves were drugs, and before i knew it, so many people were coming to where we were giving out the leaves, we also put them in ziplock bags and hit it to keep them safe
many people were "working" there and robbing us (except we pretended we had guns using sticks) it lasted for about a month and a half, until a group of other people found out, then they started screaming "get ur [illegal drugs] here!!," it was so chaotic and fun, but because they were literally SCREAMING the word [illegal drug name that starts with m], the teachers heard and shut it down. best month and a half in school

story 3:
one of my friends (M from the egg story) had pistachios at recess. at that time, i had never eaten pistachios, so i asked for one. it was the best damn thing i had ever eaten (this is hyperbole), so i asked for more, but then some of my classmates found out, then proceeded to chase M for pistachios
the next day, we all brought pistachios. but this great pistachio addiction was split in half, there were two opposing groups, M told me. then iz said "this is the pisachio mafia bitch" then i said "lets mug them for more pistachios"
we kinda just ran back and forth trying to get more pistachios. wasted a lot of money back then, punched a lot of faces, but it was all worth it :)

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