Ballister :"why do u always bother me?, can't u got bother ambrosius or something?"
Nimona :"nah!, besides, I ain't got no friends."
Ballister :"then go make some"
Nimona :"nope, ur all I need as a friend"
Ballister :"im ur father, ur my daughter"
Nimona :"adopted."
Ballister :"yeah, I know, just go make some friends, maybe there someone like u out there"
Nimona :"yeah right, there totally someone that, can't really feel pain, Shap shift to animals and people, Likes to kill and is basically a dragon?"
Ballister :"well, u can probably, um..."
Nimona :"I ain't going to make friends."
Ballister :"just get out there"*pushes her out the door*
Nimona :"ugh!, fine!"*walks away*
Ballister :"oh thank god..."
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