
Hey uhh

There is this new person on this app and idk I don’t want to start anything but umm I feel like they might be coping me
Please don’t go to their account or anything I just wanted to let you know •_•

1 years ago   9 浏览量   1 框架




Yeah bet I’m just over reacting ur right
Also no he’s not copying my ocs so it’s really not a big deal

1 years ago   回复

His artstyle is just similar, he's not copying your oc's, is he? Or WAS he?

1 years ago   回复 (1)

kris kreates krap.

Yeah his name was ✨Some Emo Guy✨
I’ll keep a look out thank you for talking with me lol

1 years ago   回复
  kris kreates krap.


well, I guess if you remember the name you can keep a look out. I guess that:s the best we can do 😥

1 years ago   回复 (1)

kris kreates krap.

I just looked I can’t find his account- I guess he just left the app completely
But I’m still worried he’ll come back 😶

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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