yall help me wtf should I do
im gonna let you in on a bit of my friend group tea,,
mainly 2 friends in this story, well call friend one... pinky, and friend 2 shall be called red bc yes.
im closer with red than pinky, even tho pinky is in my physical friend group and and red isn't anymore, I still trust red more bc I know them more. and some drama started between pinky and red and everyone is blaming pinky and telling pinky to stop bc originally the drama wasn't even between pinky and red, it was between red and their partner but then pinky somehow made themselves apart of it and has made it worse. now pinky says that red is racist and manipulative and just stuff like that? im not even totally sure. pinky says they have proof but has not given any of it and pretty much at the start after pinky put themself into the drama I asked 3 times what was going on and they ignored me,, but now they're acting and expecting everyone to be on their side when this is literally someone I trust deeply that they are talking about, how can I trust their allegations when they've given me no reason to??
idk yippee
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