(read rentry)

the amount of people actively defending jevil rn really shows how little some of you care for grooming victims

no because im not really one to rant about situations that don't involve me but the way certain people are treating this situation is pissing me off especially as someone who's gone through a somewhat similar situation in the past

why are you actively gaslighting, yelling at and treating the victim like a nuisance

you aren't "trying to look at both sides", you're actively choosing to defend someone who is facing serious allegations of being a groomer. there is evidence provided right in front of you and you're just choosing to ignore it and diminish the disgustingness of their actions because they're your friend

nobody is bullying jevil. nobody is harassing them. they are literally just being held accountable for their actions

i understand that it can come off as a big shock and be really hard to believe that someone that you trust dearly is revealed to have done horrible things, but honestly if one of your friends/mutuals is outed as a groomer then really i feel like you should just BREAK CONTACT. break ties with that person, there are definitely better people out there for you

seriously. what fucking 1st world problems are you people dealing with to not see this as a genuine problem? are you defending them and saying that what jevil did was just a stupid mistake because they're your friend?

let's say for example what if it was anyone else that was outed as a groomer, would you NOT defend that person? or do you genuinely just see grooming as this unserious of an issue?

also how DARE you say that the victim is not any better in this situation. how fucking dare you imply that he was wrong for building up the courage to speak up about what he went through because he's now "pushing jevil into depression" AS IF THE LITERAL CHILDREN THEY GROOMED ARE NOT TRAUMATISED FOR LIFE

oh well i mean i guess this IS the same platform where so many people continued to actively support abdel even when he was documented extensively to have groomed MULTIPLE children over the course of 2 years🤷 what was i even expecting

EDIT😭 ok honestly unfollow me for this post all you want guys idgaf atleast im not defending someone with a deviantart foot fetish HAHAHAHAHAHHA


1 years ago   153 views   1 frames   22 Like


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1 years ago   Reply
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1 years ago   Reply

Mucho texto

1 years ago   Reply

why is it that there's gotta be one bastard that's just a piece of dump for no reason, come on I thought this type of stuff was beyond over by now.
groomer with gross fetishes dude what the hell

1 years ago   Reply


nvm i believe i found the link lmao

1 years ago   Reply

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