
Forgot to mention, should Ash have or not have glasses? (Read desc)

(I accidentally made the “w glasses” drawing look worse, oh well 😭)
Personally I think they look better without glasses, but I was making lore for them and the lore says they would have to wear glasses.
Here’s their lore:
They had a dad, a mom, and a brother. The dad (Cerulean) was an evil scientist who loved to make potions and serums n stuff. One day when Ash was old enough Cerulean injected a thingy into them that he knew would gave them magic powers, but he didn’t know what powers. It was the power to shatter (kill) anyone who they looked at. The mom (Lily) tried to comfort them (cause it was a shot) and ash looked at her and ended up killing her. Cerulean was too scared to be around them and left them. Ash and their brother Tulip were left alone, and they took care of each other. They needed money so Ash put their powers to use and killed people for an organization for a living. MOST RELEVANT PART: One day, Ash looked through a glass window into a shop, thinking no one was in their view. They then saw a person and panicked, since they thought they would kill the person. Instead, the person was unharmed. That was when they realized that their powers couldn’t move through glass, and since their vision was pretty bad anyway, they bought some glasses. Back to being less relevant: When they were old enough they decided they were tired of killing people and wanted to help people instead, so they studied psychology. Now they’re a therapist.
That’s it! Sorry for the long read but if you don’t feel like reading all that then you can just read the first thing I said before that whole big paragraph.
Thanks for reading, enjoy!


1 years ago   20 views   1 frames   2 Like




Like keyclips oc? Or?

1 years ago   Reply


Buy more ramen? Eat something else? Idk

1 years ago   Reply

your oc kinda looks like keyclip

1 years ago   Reply (1)

hello i am hungry and i have no more ramen in my pantry what should i do google?

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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