
The Survivors of the Park

Survivor 1: Tolkien "Token" Black
The sword he had was given to him by Kenny before he got corrupted
Depression is the stage he's going through
He's edgey too

Survivor 2:Butters Scotch
During a fight between butters(corrupted) and Token.Token managed to save Butters but not cartman as you saw in one of the post...Cartman was corrupted by Butters.Butters Knowing this info after he was free.He promises he was be careful around his corrupted classmates
Comforts Token sometimes
Owns a Squirt gun

Survivor 3: Stan Marsh(I think that's his last name.)
After Butters was free,Token and Butters went on the search for an escape,Going into an empty classroom,seeing Stan marking the hours he have stayed in there before Token dragged him out.Asking him" Dude..What were you doing In there..we're supposed to escape!".Stan then said okay and led the two slowly out of the school and into the playground where there was corrupted Kyle,Clyde,and Rebecca was playing on the slide.The trio didn't really manage to sneak past the corrupted children, a battle broke out for 5 minutes.After those 5 minutes when Butters shot The corrupteds,Stan managed to use a crowbar to break through the chain-linked fence.leading into town.Token,Butters,and Stan ran to Stan's house.luckily no one was corrupted in the house and Stan's father was somewhere in Orlando,alive with mickey mouse.They stayed there for a few months.Planning the ultimate escape:Operation:Exodus
Owns his good ol gadgets


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