
Timu the assistant.

Timu is another attraction robot at the fun house.
He is one of the "Three blind mice"
There is Candice Lacy who is supposed to be the dame
Bones is the 'insane grave digger'
Happy darling is the Jester.
And the master if the place is the Maker.
There is also Carol Doll who is apart of another Attraction park. Lovers hotel.

Anton, the son of the Maker, had died one night, due to Anton messing around with Bones.
(Fnaf refrance)
Bones malfunctioned and...
Buried Anton alive.
Antons body got found days later by the dog.
And bones was acting funny that day too..
He didn't yell at the kids like he was programed.
He had been polite.
He was starting to act like Anton...And on a Christmas night. .. Carol doll and Bones met..he fell in love..
Then everything changed.
What happened??
The maker rebuilt Bones..making his memory card wiped from existence..
But Bones never acted the same..he was never rude or obnoxious, like the Gravedigger was supposed to act. He obtained the name, "grave helper"


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