
story part two!

||the train gave an agonizing screech as it hauled the train carts to the station. It came to a halt and the passengers filed out. Most and I mean almost every single passenger were a demon. She knew most of these people from her ring of hell, it was nice there but not as bright and beautiful as the surface is. Faded founder herself awe struck by the amount of sunlight and clean air there was.||
`my stars…`
||she smiled and held her one suitcase with a look of pure happiness, she made it! And soon her life will begin. The demon bit her tongue as she took her luggage and puffed out her chest, taking her first step to the city.||
[three hours later]
||after three long hours of exploring and walking, faded found her new apartment. It wasn’t that far from a nice coffee shop either. Maybe they’re looking for workers? Faded couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Everything seemed perfect, when she reached the apartment the fist words she hears is:||
``filthy sinner! I can’t believe the ol hag let er stay here.``
||faded immediately flinched and turned her head to see a group of bigot human men. She scowled at them and lashed her tail before quietly walking off to the front desk. The demon gave a slight smile and took her keys, quickly entering the elevator and tapping the button to close the doors. The elevator doors shut and she sighed. Feeling herself ascend to the eleventh floor. Soon she’d reach her new home and shut the door locking it quickly. It was a small apartment with one bedroom with a bathroom , one main room, and a kitchen. Faded smiled and dropped her bag, falling into her bed and immediately curling up. Falling asleep as quick as she could, to start a new day.||


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