
AHH what happened

1 years ago   5 浏览量   3 框架



TheEasGuy (Tally Halls Vers...

I didn't do it for attention I was actually considering it because it was I assume you know about the hackers so I was thinking ing that if I were to quit I would be less of a target to be hacked so it was never for attention it was just to not look like a target to get hacked

1 years ago   回复


[user is deactivated]
1 years ago   回复 (1)

TheEasGuy (Tally Halls Vers...

Well I mean I was kind of considering it and I have came to realize it's not really funny anymore it probably was funny the first time but im aware it's not good to do that because let's say I actually want to quit people wouldn't believe me because I joke about it alot people wouldn't take me seriously if I were to actually leave the app so I'm aware that it is not funny and it's just over used so I'll stop the quitting jokes from now on

1 years ago   回复 (1)
[user is deactivated]
1 years ago   回复 (1)

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