
Me and my Best Friend Charlie EP8: The Discussion

Cube,Charlie,and Alicia walk down past broken trees.Talking about the issues at hand about the drones,Planning to search for survivors because the robots pretty much took everyone to (DRTT)Death Really Takes its Toll HQ.

Cube: "maybe we should split up and find some rangers or people or..something!I don't know."

Charlie: "But them drones wanderin everywhere!we won't know what would happen "

Alicia: "Maybe we could grab some weapons to defend ourselves "

Cube: "Hmmm..Both tasks..Cool."

Cube: "Now let's split up,and also..Take these"

Cube would hand the two some walkie-talkies for communication for directions or status report.Charlie and Alicia would take one,Charlie mwas Alicia and then Alicia floated up and flew east of the spot they were in.while Charlie walked off North and Cube ran West.With Cube, They jumped from Tree to tree.Landing on the ranger station hearing a voice in there.Cubes hopped off the roof and then peaked through the door,Seeing only Ranger Tabes with a missing hat.Then when the both noticed eachother. They stared at eachother

Tabes: "Wait..Do my eyes deceive me?It's an amphibian survivor!"
Tabes runs up to Cube and pick Them up.Cube Blushes a bit but sticks their tongue out at Tabes

Tabes: "And what's your name little fella"

Cube: "One..I'm not little..Two,I'm Cube..Three..C-Can you put me down now?

Tabes: "Sure why not!"

Tabes: "Now tell me Medium Frog.where are the other survivors?Unless if you even know any..and what are their names,hm?"]

Cube: "Hmm..Names are Alicia and Charlie "

Tabes: "Charlie survived!?Take me to him!"

Cube: "Oh.is he your friend?"

Tabes had Star shaped pupils now

Tabes: "Yeah I do!"

Tabes picked up Cubes and carried Them on the shoulder like a log and walked away from the ranch

(I'm not sure if I'll make Tacube a thing..Idk..But this will be continued as a different episode)


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