goober[taking a long break ...

You can't kill me. You can't touch me.

”why?„ the fangirl said.
”because I don't even exist, my name is no existence.„ I said.
”now you have to join M Y. G A M E.„ I said.
”no!„ —she said.
No Existence was glitching, disappearing and appearing.
”what? That has to be a stupid dream!!!„ —Fangirl
”Thats not a dream.„ —No Exsistence
”what will you do if I don't play your game? Hah!„ —Fangirl
”You will have to sell your soul to me.„—No Exsistence
”Are you cra-„ —fangirl.
*No Exsistence disappeared, then appeared with knife behind he fangirl.*
*No Exsistence putted the knife around her neck.*
”Please... Don't.. Fine I'll play your game.„
*Fangirl named Leah is mine !!! Has teleported to No Exsistence’s game.*
”is that.. a light pink room?.. tentacles?!„ —fangirl said.
”to play it correct, you have to dodge the tentacles that want to rip your hands, legs and even your head off.„ —narrator
”that seems easy! Lol!!„—Fangirl
*The game started. Fangirl is ready.*
”oh! Ugh! Ah!„—Fangirl
*The tentacle ripped off her left hand.*
”it hurts!„—Fangirl
*Fangirl started crying because of big pain.*
*The tentacles ripped her right hand, left and right leg.*
”nooo!!!! How do I play now?!„—Fangirl
*She started crying and she regretted that she existed.*
*The game ended.*
*No Exsistence appeared next to the Fangirl and said:* ”Are you regretting that you exist now?„
*No Exsistence showed her black tentacles that she has on her back.*
”you want me to rip your head off? This won't hurt anymore, because you will die without pain.„—No Existence said to Fangirl.
”Yes please! I don't want to exist anymore!!„
*No Exsistence ripped Fangirl’s head with her tentacle.*
*Fangirl disappeared, but the blood was still here. Then disappeared too.*
*No Exsistence hides her black tentacles. They are not visible anymore.*
”well, that's the end. Hah!„—No Existence said

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