
Summer beach, Russia is not used to the heat


1 years ago   22 浏览量   1 框架


  Ichisa ☆(Newjeans)

Mr Milk

Everyone knows English in America, because it's commen for people to only know 1 language, and I don't know many people that have accents in America

1 years ago   回复

Mr Milk

Yeah its kinda weird but cool at the same time

1 years ago   回复 (1)
  Mr Milk


Yea, mostly I've noticed that you can tell most Hispanic people's(considering they're like the most common people I find in my specific area) actual countries from their accents, like how Cubans, Mexicans, and Spaniards speak the same language, but have different terms for slang and accents

1 years ago   回复 (2)

Mr Milk

I have the Tours kind of accent, parisian accent is more prononces on P, R and talk a bit faster and idk how to explain the Marseille accent just search on yt a comparaison btw Marseille accent and other french accents
And its kinda understandable cuz mostly Europeans in america are here for holidays

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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