
THE TRUTH CHAPTER 3 PART 2 | Memories and curses

Inside the lighthouse

Justin: Goldy, go get Carl, I have something important to think about...

Goldy: But, I just go like this

Justin: Just... GO, the things you need to explore are near the exit

Goldy: okay...
(In her mind: Why is this happening, because from one day to the next we are all in danger, I don't know where Toby is...)
G-Goodbye Justin...

Justin: ...

*she closes the door*

Justin(on his mind: I just had a flashback, I feel like I'm worried about seeing someone again... What is this place, that pencil gave me a lot of interest, can we escape from here with it?)

Goldy: O-Okay, I just have t-to go in the op-pposite direction from w-where
J-just w-walk... hm? What is this gold nugget?
Why do I feel like I did this?, Wait, I'm lost????
Oh no, oh no oh no this is bad...


Tonx: hello little girl...

Goldy: Huh?... Who said that?!

Tonx: Hehe... You know... I like to see people scared, to see how soon they will ask for mercy...

Goldy: (her mind: I think I've heard that voice before... I have to do something quick)

*Tonx appeared in front of Goldy instantly*
Tonx: uh uh! don't try to escape...

Goldy: What are you, why do you look like Toby, how do you read my thoughts, WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL US?-

*Tonx, hit Goldy hard throwing it to the ground* "AGH-"

Tonx: I can't contain it anymore, what I told you that time were lies, the truth is that I want to rule spacetime, I could finally control everything as I wish, and everyone are going rl adore me, and you are the key to my success.

Goldy: *coughing up blood* Why are you telling me that?

Tonx: I just wanted to vent before killing you.

Goldy: W-WHAT?

Tonx: You just shut up, (grabs Goldy by the neck) it doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter if you ask me for mercy, I must kill you...

Goldy: stop, STOP, LET ME GO YOU DAMN STUPID- a- aaagh.. ggaah...

(Tonx pierced his sharp finger into goldy)

Tonx: I think you should learn to shut up the hard way... hm?

(Goldy, with the little strength she has left, she tries to hit tonx to escape)

Goldy: I- I won't let you hurt the only person who didn't persecute me because of his greed...

Tonx: Don't touch me... *rips off Goldy's arm* Don't touch me, There's no point in resisting, Accept your destiny...

On the Whiteworld Toby and Past Toby had found the edge of the Whiteworld
They were trying to break the wall


Toby, hyperventilating in desperation, lay on the floor in a fetal position.

Toby: What if we are trapped forever?... What if we are actually trapped and we didn't realize it?

P.Toby: I don't know what to do anymore... We don't know how the others are, WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?!


Toby hit the wall super angry, so much so that the blow released some green sparks. And the wall suffered a break

P.Toby: T-Toby? What did you do?

Toby: *gasp* How did I do that?

P.Toby: Wait!, Those sparks, I've seen them before but I don't remember

Toby: Are you also having memories?

P.Toby: i guess so

Toby: What's going on here?

P.Toby: ... i don't know, The only thing we could do now is look for the corner of this world

Toby: Well, we already found a wall, let's see what we can find

P.Toby: Do you want to eat before?

Toby: thanks!

Tonx: I finally have you under my control, I had so much fun trying to find your heart... now go and bring me Justin!

Justin (on his mind: This pencil... I feel like it's too important, I can't lose it, because I feel like I'm missing someone, why do I think something is wrong with me?... hm? What is this?, A photograph, but it's all black, but L
looks like it was recently taken, I have to develop the image quickly

9 months ago   21 views   1 frames   2 Like


  Evil twin productions

That's a lot of words to bad I ain't reading them

9 months ago   Reply

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